Fish With Professional Walleye Guides
Garry Allen—Mike Allen and 14 of the best guides in the best guides in th upper Midwest. No other guide service has the talent of our staff. (All you have to do is ask your neighbors or anyone at your coffee shop, pretty good chance they have fished with us)
SERVICE INCLUDES – Large 20+-foot Lund boat, 150 – 400 hp motor, gas, life jackets, cooler, ice, cleaning fish, 4×4 vehicle, packaging and freezing fish, bait
2025 RATES
1 Person $ 500.00 Per Day
2 Persons $ 575.00 Per Day
3 Persons $ 635.00 Per Day
4 Persons $ 675.00 Per Day
5 Persons $745.00 Per Day (Not recommended)
Mom, Dad and 1 child….$ 585.00 Per Day
Mom, Dad and 2 children….$ 635.00 Per Day Mom, Dad and 3 children…..$ 675.00 per Day
(Children must be under 18 years of age)
Checks or Cash No Credit Cards
Due to the Indian reservations, there are no permanent cabins or camps on these reservoirs. It is not uncommon to motor 15 miles by boat to get to good secluded walleye water. Walleyes average from one to three pounds. Eight and nine pound walleyes are not uncommon.
Wilderness Areas: Wildlife is plentiful in the area and it will not be uncommon to see antelope, deer, fox, coyotes, pheasants, partridge, grouse and various kinds of waterfowl.
Once you arrive at the Hillside Motel in Chamberlain, SD, we will orientate you with the areas we will fish and the type of equipment we will use. Also, I will explain the scenic areas around Chamberlain that will make your stay more pleasant. With my professional experience backing you, you’ll have an enjoyable, safe and carefree trip. We take pride in doing the little things that make each trip joyous and successful. If you have any other questions, please write or call.
Customer references will be furnished upon request.
All trips subject to delay or cancellation under adverse weather conditions or other conditions beyond our control.
Due to the great demand for reservations for our trips, early reservations are advisable so you can get your specific date set.
When planning your next fishing or hunting trip to South Dakota – call Allen’s Hillside Fishing and Hunting Lodge. We have fishing and hunting information whether or not you hire a guide.
Packaged Pheasant Hunts
Hunt includes:
4 nights lodging (based on double occupancy)
3 days fully guided hunt
Bird processing
Continental Breakfast
$1550.00 per person for 4 or more people. $1650 for 3 people or less.